Orkney Image Library

Orkneycommunities.co.uk - Reclaiming History and answering the questions no-one else asks since 2003
Click to View The Orkney Image Library contains images and anecdotes about the area. There are 12606 pictures and 24219 comments on the site for you to browse through. Images can be viewed by YEAR, by ALBUM, by GROUP, or by CONTRIBUTOR, or you can use the simple SEARCH at the top of this page.
Please note! Orkneycommunities is not in the position to authorise use of these pictures on other sites or in other publications. Any such use should only be with the agreement of the contributor and/or copyright holder! And... I'm sure you can understand why anonymous comments are unlikely to be published.
Handy hints If you want to check up on new additions, use the Additions link above to see what's been added recently. Or use the 16/10, 32/20 etc. option to expand all the boxes below- it isn't just for the comments. You can now upload your own images directly using the form further down the page. It's dead easy, just hit the 'Browse' button and find the picture on your own computer that you wish to upload, then hit 'Upload' to send it. Note that when you are asked for the year the picture was taken it HAS to be a four digit number like 1965 and NOT something like 1960ish. If you are unsure of the date just give it your best guess. If you are timed out when uploading you might need to reduce the sizes of the pictures. If you have any problems just contact us at [email protected]
When viewing the pictures, PLEASE leave your own comments using the form at the foot of each page. You might know a face, a date or a story about the photo. In this way we will continue to build an extensive collection of information, reminiscences and anecdotes about Orkney that is easily accessible to everyone. Orkneycommunities.co.uk was part funded by Orkney Enterprise and LEADER+, and now is a wholly self-sustaining community enterprise.
Latest Picture
Jarvie Family 1920

I think the man in the foreground is Mr Jarvie who was headmaster at Pierowall school in Westray. He was friendly with my grandfather Henry Stevenson who moved from Westray to be schoolmaster in Harray. I think this must be at the Dounby show about...

12606 pictures | 24219 comments
Jarvie Family 1920
LATEST NEWS: Hoy becomes Hoy and Walls
By popular request the area formerly known as Hoy in our Area categories has been changed to Hoy and Walls. I hope this meets the approval of the folk from Waas.
Latest Pictures
The Haven, BrimsFrom the Longhope Lifeboat Museum'The Cats', Balaclava Road, FlottaHighland Park Distillery Visitor CentreHighland Park presentationHighland Park Distillery RetiralHighland Park Distillery TeamHighland Park still maintenanceHighland Park RetiralHighland Park distillery teamHighland Park RetiralKirkwall Fire Station boarded up for the BaJohnstons at Hurliness HouseEvelyn Johnston and father, Danny JohnstonDanny Johnston, while serving in IndiaDanny and Dorothy Johnstons wedding


1950 Ferguson TE20  tractor crossing the BarriersErosion of Cathedral sandstoneLast working horse on Stronsay?EvelynPrincess Royal at BrimsSkara Brae postcards 2/2TorrentFrozen ice on shore at FirthCathedral bells 3Hotelbuspod of killer whalesBarge heading back to Hatston pier