The Orkney Image Library
No: 28314 Contributor: Dennis Campbell Year: 2016
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Headstone of my great grandfather and his daughter Ethel who was the sister of my grandmother Chrissie. They also had a brother Neil who served on the Ola for a number of years. Took me ages to find it in the old part of the cemetery. James Sinclair would be the father of Willie Sinclair and the grandfather of David, Neil and Fiona Sinclair who were living in Edinburgh in the 70s but lost touch with them many years ago. I believe Neil lived in Stromness for a while although I never bumped into him when I was back there. Picture was taken last year, 2016,

Picture added on 27 March 2017 at 12:07
What a lovely surprise to see this Dennis, My dad, Willie Sinclair’s ashes are also scattered on his mum and grandad’s grave. I always remember your dad Leslie and his wee house we use to stay in (with the half built boat in the side room) with fondest memories. My brother David and I still live in Edinburgh and I’m visiting Orkney again soon. Hoping life has treated you good and I will let David know about this.
Added by Fiona Sinclair on 22 July 2018