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Please note that the picture must have been taken by you or you must have the express permission of the copyright holder. Once you have uploaded the picture the copyright still belongs to you (or the current owner), although you should understand that images on the internet can be duplicated and used by others.
All pictures must be in .jpg format. If the picture is wider than 735 pixels it will be reduced to that size automatically. Once you have uploaded the picture you will have the opportunity to enter your details and a description of the subject.
Note that we won't publish every photo uploaded - your picture needs to show something we don't already have. Please don't be disappointed if yours doesn't appear.
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Hi, I am a curator at part of Kelham Island, She...My father Fred Provins was here from 1940-1942 hav...The venture was sold to Billy Rendall late 1964 fr...Hello. After hearing that a family called Birley l...Hello all. I love that we are all connected in thi...You really can't trust those treacherous frozen ch...Thank you Hilke Morison and Barbara Chivers for yo...Kytra is presently in Port Yasmine Marina Hammamet...That's a good old photoI was advised that there had been a new posting, I...