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Please note that the picture must have been taken by you or you must have the express permission of the copyright holder. Once you have uploaded the picture the copyright still belongs to you (or the current owner), although you should understand that images on the internet can be duplicated and used by others.
All pictures must be in .jpg format. If the picture is wider than 735 pixels it will be reduced to that size automatically. Once you have uploaded the picture you will have the opportunity to enter your details and a description of the subject.
Note that we won't publish every photo uploaded - your picture needs to show something we don't already have. Please don't be disappointed if yours doesn't appear.
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I hear you are looking for me. Were you at Kinloss...My maternal gran was Margaret (Rita) Burns nee Cor...Anybody able to tell me anything more about Margar...Can anyone tell me any more about Margaret Flett f...Hello, I am not a Flett I am afraid, however I am ...Kytra is now for sale. Either contact me or Simon ...Hi Hugh could you please give me an email about po...I came to Halifax on dec 29 on the Anna Selena tha...The gardens of Tankerness House were re-landscaped...I asked my aunt, she says that is her aunt Myrtle ...