The Orkney Image Library
No: 24437 Contributor: Richard Evans Year: 2010
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The Gnat light agricultural tractor was manufactured in the Borders of Scotland during the 60s & 70s but have any been seen or are still in use in Orkney?

Picture added on 21 November 2010 at 20:27
Surprised no-one has replied. Don't these small ATV vehicles still exist in Orkney? Many still around in Sutherland.
Added by Richard Evans on 16 December 2010
they were also made in Christchurch New Zealand
Anonymous comment added on 16 September 2012
They were also used for general towing purposes at some airfields' within New Zealand. Does anybody have any pictures of one of the Christchurch built versions of them in use on airfields in their final colours.
Added by Clive Jones on 20 June 2013
Yes made by j Cameron Lewis & Co in chistchurch NZ.. villiers model 9e 2 stroke power plant .
Timed @ TDC so they ran forward and backwards with equal disappointment .
I'm rebuilding one currently
Timed @ TDC so they ran forward and backwards with equal disappointment .
I'm rebuilding one currently
Added by Richard on 21 September 2018