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Another taken at the same time as picture #26147, Rapness Jetty. Westray. I think this was about the time of the seamans strike hence all the activity? can anyone help?
Picture added on 17 February 2012 at 00:21
do you mean back to front?
Added by Billy Cardno on 17 February 2012
Ernie says date is 1966, he's right!
Added by Billy Cardno on 21 February 2012
66 would tie in with black hull colour of Enterprise. Goerdie Kent's Noup Head lying off can't figure identity of smaller motor boat in corner of jetty yet.
Added by Willie Mackay on 21 February 2012
Mirror image photo, was it done purposely to get folk like me goin'... lol..
[See picture #26189 for it the right way round and de-magenta-ised - Steven]
[See picture #26189 for it the right way round and de-magenta-ised - Steven]
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 22 February 2012
Is it the Sheena Willie ?
Anonymous comment added on 22 February 2012
Whit about Jack o Skaill's boat the Corriender (cant spell) was it built then?
Added by Billy Cardno on 23 February 2012
The smaller boat is the KIA-ORA owned by my father Tom Drever.
Later Jack Scott built the Coriander to same design.The KIA-ORA was built by Mackays in Stromness for Jim Chalmers, Housbay. See picture #13823
Later Jack Scott built the Coriander to same design.The KIA-ORA was built by Mackays in Stromness for Jim Chalmers, Housbay. See picture #13823
Added by John P. Drever on 23 February 2012
Thanks for that John, Jemsie told me in effect what I kent about boats could be written on the back of a postage stamp!
Added by Billy Cardno on 24 February 2012
I think the boat in picture #13823 is the Silver Spray which belonged to Jim Chalmers of Housebay, but, I've been known to be wrong before.
Added by Price Sinclair on 26 February 2012
I was asked the day if Chuffie Muir owned that boat, as a relation of his had her built in Shetland?
Added by Billy Cardno on 28 February 2012
The Silver Spray was a double ended ships lifeboat.In picture #13823 the Kia-Ora has a hatch in front of the wheelhouse for loading sheep.That is how she was when we bought her in 1953.
Added by John P. Drever on 28 February 2012
Don't think i have ever seen a photo of the Silver Spray but have had a few trips to Auskerry in her when i wis peedie. Seem to think i have heard a story that when she came to Stronsay she was called the Mayflower but as she had a very poor engine she quickly became the May go. Think the owners quickly changd the name to Silver Spray
Added by Jim Cooper on 28 February 2012
Hi Jim you are right the Mayflower was owned by Tom Bain (Robbie Milnes Gospel singer)he fitted a forth engine although new it was very unreliable.John Dennison had her in the fifties.
Added by John P> Drever on 28 February 2012
If Jim Cooper only minds the Silver Spray when he wis peedie, that is so long ago am no gaen tae admit tae kenning aboot it at all.
Added by Price Sinclair on 29 February 2012
I have fond memories of the Kia Ora when she was at Housebay As a peedie boy I was one of the first on her before she was finished in the boatyard in Sttomness
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Added by William P Drever on 11 June 2012
[It does look backside foremost now you mention it - Steven]