Orkney Image Library

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Burra Brough 'The Altar' South Ronaldsay Another fine picture from Ian Heddle's collection of a striking feature which I did not know even ex...
Carrick House, Eday Peter writes: 'Another view of Eday.....this time Carrick House on the shores of Calfsound, taken f...
Calf Sound from Vinquoy, Eday Peter writes: 'Another from the same viewpoint, with the Orcadia on route for Westray.' Date is ...
Lane at back of Cumming and Spences (as was) A Dougie Shearer picture sent in by Craig, who writes: '[This] shows the lane which stood where t...
Inside Kirkwall Power Station The power station used to be a fascinating place to visit, and a hive of activity, but unpleasantly ...
County badminton team Bruce writes: 'Another badminton photo taken by Phoenix Photos possibly in the St. Magnus Hall on P...
Ba at Tankerness House A Dougie Cooper picture, date estimated. Tankerness House has been renovated in this picture. I unde...
High jinks Alison writes: 'No idea who these �ladies� are, or what the event� but I have my suspicions that th...
Cows on the shore Alison writes: 'Short-lived beef version of the North Ronaldsay lamb, perhaps? Abandoned after it ...
Kirkwall Primary School sports day A Dougie Cooper picture from 1970. At the school sports a few weeks ago, Maureen Swannie asked m...
Kirkwall Primary School, P5? Alison writes: '[This picture] shows my sister Marion Watson (nee Ritchie) on the left end of the f...

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