Orkney Image Library

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New boat for Eday-Westray run Still on an Eday theme, here is the new boat for the proposed Eday-Westray crossing, which can also ...
Stones on Swona Picture taken on 2nd July 2004
June 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month. This and subsequent pictures tak...
July 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
Sept 2004, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
Kirkwall Burgh School 1922-23 Marion writes: 'My Dad got these photos from a friend. They belonged to her sister who had written...
January 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month
Riding of the Marches Kenny writes: 'This photo taken by myself was of the first re-enactment of The Riding of The Marche...
Westray after January's storm This picture shows Hume Sweet Hume in the foreground (blue porch). The 2 two storey houses were floo...
Westray after January's storm, 2 Aftermath of the storm, looking west to Broughton.
February 2005, Looking NW from Rapness, Westray Part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month,

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