Orkney Image Library

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Albert Maxwell at The Bridge I am not sure of the exact date. But perhaps it was memorable as a particularly bad winter.
Albert Maxwell at The Bridge Date approx. This photo shows Albert in the doorway of his shop in Bridge Street.
A perfect day at The Bowling Green. Date approx. My great-uncle, Albert Maxwell is on the right, but can anyone come up with a name for ...
Champion The date is possibly during the thirties. I believe that he is Jim Inkster, brother of my paternal g...
Old Friends (date approx) Albert Maxwell (my great-uncle) is in the centre. Can anyone put names to his friends?
A Snowy Kirkwall An Orcadian will surely tell me the name of the street! [Looks like West Tankerness Lane, looking...
Bridge Street Year approximate, a young Albert Maxwell.
Bicycles I do not really know the date this was taken. On the left is Clara Maxwell with her sister Alice. ...
class, Kirkwall Date is approx. I am intrigued by the collars worn by the class members. I wonder if it might be a ...
bank employees, Kirkwall These men were employees of the Commercial Bank, Kirkwall in approx. 1900. Front row, second from le...
Horses and cart Date approx. Members of the Maxwell family. It would be interesting if anyone recognises the locatio...
Longhope Lifeboat I really do not know the date for this picture at all. I wish my forebears had written more compreh...

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