Papa Westray
Class photo about 1954 On the back of this photo are the names of the people as I remembered them some years ago. They ma...
Motor Launch Don't know what or where this is - maybe Scapa. Is the photo the wrong way around? Is that why the...
Papay Schoolboat Date is a guess, may have been 1983.
(It was that year when Anna & Graham Ritchie and their team st...
Stromness St Clements leaving Stromness. Date estimated.
Surprise I teach English/Orcadian to bairns in schools in the Oise area of France. One peedie lad gave me a c...
RNXS The sign on the RNXS Headquarters at Scapa. This unit was disbanded on 20th March, 1994. There are...
Swona cattle These are the Swona cattle. As you can see there are several bulls, when I was there on the day the ...
Pool dig, Sanday Archaeological dig which was carried out during the 1980's and 90's. North, Mid and South Myre in th...
On Papay Pier One of Billy Cardno's photos from his recent Orkney Heritage Society talk. Can anybody identify face...
Golden Mariana Golden Mariana - plies between Pierowall and Papa Westray - May 2009