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On the back of this photo are the names of the people as I remembered them some years ago. They may be incorrect and I welcome corrections but here is what I have from left to right in each row starting in the back and working down:
Row 1: Campbell MacFall, David Flett, Benny Corsie, Jimmy Marwick, John Robertson, Alan Stewart, Dwight Heddle, David Garrock, Christie Norquoy, Alan Sutherland
Row 2: Stewart Mowat, Norn Donaldson, Ellen MacLeod, Thelma Ross, Glenda Buchan, Joan Norn, Jennifer Rorie, Raymond Cooper, Michael Blance
Row 3: Carole Celie, Phylis Mair, Margaret Harcus, Mervin Harcus, Barbara Rayburn, Billy Rayburn, Elizabeth Begley, Evelyn Finlater, May Begley
Row 4: David Ross, Robert Nixon, Sammy Davey, Sandra Johnstone, Eve Williams (me and now Evelyn Hlabse), Ray Rosie, Mary Ann Johnstone, Gladys Leish, Brian Sherlaw, Vernon Yule, Bruce Donaldson
I think the teacher is Miss Slater but I'm not sure of that.

Picture added on 16 May 2007
Eve you have missed me out i am sitting next to you.
Added by Margaret Muir (nee Eunson) on 17 May 2007
You wid ken that was going to be a bike man on the end o the front row !
Added by Mr T on 19 May 2007
In the front row - Gladys Leish should be Gladys Leisk and Brian Sherlaw is in fact Brian Sutherland
Added by Kenny Thomson on 21 May 2007
I believe the teacher is Marjorie Stevenson.
Added by Freda (Linklater) Jackson on 28 May 2008
Try again the teacher was Miss Slater later Mrs Manson I remember you well
Added by Anon on 22 June 2008
Yes, thank you, you are absolutely right but perhaps you will forgive a lapse in my memory after 50+ years?? It's a pity you didn't sign your name, I may have "remembered you well" too!
Added by Freda Jackson (Linklater) on 23 June 2008
Lovely to see the photograph. My name is Georgina [Gina] Newlands and I went all the way through school with Moira Stewart, Linda Stout, and Barbara Borwick but I don't know if I am in this photograph.
Added by Georgina [gina] Van Buren on 06 April 2009
Mervyn Harcus, Margaret Harcus, Billy Raeburn and Barbara Raeburn were two sets of twins
Added by BRANDYMAN on 09 April 2009
I would love to know what some of you are doing now. I'm living in the States. I used to live on Willow Road.
Added by Evelyn Hlabse (nee Eve Williams) on 18 December 2009
My cousins Barbara and Billy Raeburn are there. I also recognised Mervyn Harcus but not many more- well it is over 50 years
Added by Margaret Robertson on 12 December 2010
Does anyone know where Margaret and Mervyn Harcus are now. I am a Harcus /Hercus and looking for any living family in Orkney. I am coming to Orkney in the summer and would love to meet up with someone who comes from my line of the Hercus clan who originated from Phara/ Eday then Kirkwall
Added by Jean Imrie Ne Hercus on 16 March 2013
Hi Hazel , I am a Hercus born in Edinburgh my Father was Albert, Grandfather John and G Grandmother Helen Hercus, my GG Grandfather was Stewart Harcus he drowned at see transporting cattle from an island to Kirkwall in 1863 four days after my g Granny was born. any info would be great, I will be in Kirkwall in the summer. Thanks
Added by Jean Imrie Ne Hercus on 16 March 2013
The teacher is Mimes Manson (nee Slater), who passed away recently.
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Added by Marlene Mainland on 27 March 2024