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One of Billy Cardno's photos from his recent Orkney Heritage Society talk. Can anybody identify faces on Papay Pier.

Picture added on 05 March 2010 at 18:12
From right to left, front row: Tom Mackay, Robert Rendall, Bill Irvine, Jimmy Hume, steamer crewman maybe Richo ?, Ronny Cursiter, Willie Cursiter slinging sacks, John Cursiter "Nonnie". Man behind the chain on the right is Eric Harcus. Next John Drever, Willie Rendall lifting goods, John Harcus, Danny Mackay, Robert Rendall, James Davidson smoking the pipe, and Billy Miller, and John Davidson.
Added by Jim Davidson on 10 March 2010
Thanks Jim great to get their names. Not sure about Richo though, not like his build.
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Added by Billy Cardno on 20 March 2010