Orkney Image Library

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John Rendall 1846 - 1927 Date estimated. Marion writes '[This] one is John Rendall 1846 - 1927 but I don't know who he is.'
Launch of the smack 'Hemarin' 12/3/1885 A Tom Kent picture. What do you think of this for an old picture! The Hemarin is being launched f...
Kirkwall from Berstane Road This is Kirkwall a very long time ago,and the date is just a guess. Could this be a "T.K." or a "G....
Albert Street, Kirkwall An unused hand-tinted Valentine's Series postcard showing Albert Street in 1885 - or thereabouts! Mo...
Cursiter's bread delivery On the right is the Albert Street shop of J. Cursiter, grocer and baker. It is now Groundwaters. H...
Margaret Spark and her husband the Rev.John Bicket This is a photograph of Margaret Spark and her husband the Reverend John Bicket of North Yell, Shetl...
Isabella Cobban Cusiter nee Smith and son Robert Isabella Cobban Cusiter nee Smith and youngest son Robert Irvine 1885. Isabella was the eldest daugh...
Kirkwall basin before the Kirkwall Hotel was built Kirkwall pier basin before the Kirkwall Hotel was built. No idea about date for this. [Before 188...

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