The Orkney Image Library
No: 526 Contributor: Mark Ridgway Year: 2002 Areas: Deerness, Dounby, Finstown, Holm, Kirkwall, St Margaret's Hope, St Ola, Stromness, Tankerness, Toab
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That rare thing, a ba photo where you can see the ba...
Mark writes 'A shot of the ba from a couple of years ago', so I've estimated the date as 2002.
Picture added on 10 January 2005
This picture is in the following groups
The Ba
The Ba
Nice picture. Unfortunately, they're going the wrong way!
Added by Sumteeik on 10 January 2005
its now xmas day...... come on the doonies.....hope the picture shows the way.....
mark R
mark R
Added by mark ridgway on 25 December 2005
that ba went up ! Christmas 2003
Added by Raymie on 19 January 2006
that was danny bains boy ba am sure
Added by Duncan Gray on 13 June 2012
Yes think Raymies right thats me in the middle o the road. Think Al Watson threw the ba after making a break down Broad St, I kicked it into the lane between TSB bank and Klaize, Wayne Monkman picked it up and ran into Castleyards I think.
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Added by Ronnie Paterson on 01 August 2013