Orkney Image Library

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St Ola

Waiting for a Plane! Passengers waiting for Fresson's areoplane at Hatston
Merry Dancers This picture was taken at Scapa, at about 9pm on 20/11/03 and is looking just north of east, past th...
Scapa in the fifties Tom Scott sends in a photo "Scapa Beach", taken in the late fifties from the same viewpoint as Pictu...
Scapa Distillery staff Tom Scott writes: I am appending a scan of an old photo of the staff of Scapa Distillery taken shor...
Homemade boat at Scapa 1936 Tom has sent in this very evocative picture, and writes: 'The story in this week's "Orcadian" about...
Homemade boat at Scapa 1936, part II Tom's picture of him perilously afloat at Scapa in 1936 (picture 150) has caught the imagination of ...
Reopening of Scapa Distillery after WW2 Tom writes: 'I've come across this old photo in my collection. I'm not sure of the date but I alway...
The Pylons Remember the pylons at Netherbutton? I can, but I can't remember the year when the black and white 4...

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