Orkney Image Library

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Big Stones on the Beach This is where the description of this picture goes.
New boat for Eday-Westray run Still on an Eday theme, here is the new boat for the proposed Eday-Westray crossing, which can also ...
Looking west towards Deerness Sunset seen from the Copinsay slip, looking west towards Deerness. Taken 2002.
Barrier number four in 2002 Andrew sends in this aerial shot showing the dramatic build up of sand at number four barrrier. A...
Scapa beach Picture taken on 6th October 2002, on a fine day
Scapa Pier Picture taken on 6th October 2002. The pier has been modified since then.
The Ba That rare thing, a ba photo where you can see the ba... Mark writes 'A shot of the ba from a coup...
Willows in Winter (no snow) This picture was taken deeper in the depths of winter, but would look summery if the trees were not ...
Dredging at Scapa Pier A picture of dredging at the pier taken on 29th September 2002, to complement the recent much older ...
Westray boat Tommy writes: 'I�m a man from Denmark who was travelling on foot/bike throughout Scotland, from Bar...
View from Eynhallow Tommy writes: 'I�m a man from Denmark who was travelling on foot/bike throughout Scotland, from Bar...

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