Orkney Image Library

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Mark Ridgway

Broad Street, early on Christmas Day Mark writes: 'Here is a shot of Broad St around 0700 on Xmas morning. Yes the kids were up early......
Kirkwall a.m. Mark writes: 'An early shot of Kirkwall from outside the orcadian plant at Hatston.'
Cathedral on a winter morning An early morning shot of the cathedral with the sun in the process of rising.
The Ba That rare thing, a ba photo where you can see the ba... Mark writes 'A shot of the ba from a coup...
Finstown from Wideford Hill A view of Finstown from Wideford Hill....
Finstown from Wideford Hill Finstown, with the Harray Loch in the background
Kitchener's Memorial Kitchener's Memorial and Marwick head, viewed looking south west from Birsay
Brough of Birsay The Brough shown with the tide in and crossing definitely not recommended, looking west.
Monday's sky before sunrise Mark sends in this picture of Monday's sunrise- where is this taken from?
early panto Kirkwall arts club panto..... no too sure of the year .. I have loads more of these which I will att...
Panto I strongly suspect taht this is Aladdin....... names please

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