Orkney Image Library

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July 2004, looking across Ouse to Firth Mill Picture taken on 25th July as part of series charting changes in the view from month to month.
Aug 2004, looking across Ouse to Firth Mill Picture taken on 25th August as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month.
Otter Bank in The Basin, 1962 Alan sends in this picture taken by his father in law, Andy Wylie. The picture was possibly taken...
The Ba That rare thing, a ba photo where you can see the ba... Mark writes 'A shot of the ba from a coup...
Finstown from Wideford Hill A view of Finstown from Wideford Hill....
Finstown from Wideford Hill Finstown, with the Harray Loch in the background
Finstown Bachelors' Ball Paul writes: 'I don't know what the Finstown Bachelors Ball 1924 was, but it was evidently not rest...
Ayre Mills A Tom Kent Picture with estimated date, showing the Ayre Mills in Kirkwall. My understanding was tha...
February 2005, looking across Ouse to Firth Mill Picture taken on 26th February as part of a series charting changes in the view from month to month....
New petrol pumps at Finstown PO (Wood's shop) Date estimated. As well as being the Finstown Telegraph Office, Wood's shop also seesm to have so...
Buckle's Tower Buckle's Too'er really. A Tom Kent picture, date unknown. I'm not sure if the man in the foreground ...

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