KGS 1973 - 2013
The former 'new' Kirkwall Grammar School complex that existed between the KGS that is the Council Offices on School Place and the current 'new' KGS at Papdale that took over at the start of 2014.
A KGS rugby team, 1981 Here goes for my attempt (writes your diligent administrator):
Rupert Spence, ? , Graeme Davidson...
KGS being flooded This is the Papdale East side of KGS, with water cascading in from the Meadows.
KGS, Class 3R 1973-1974 Back Row (left to right): Alan Gorn, Brian Wallace, Kevin Bruce, Paul Wicker, John Nicolson, Colin R...
KGS 2A 1976-77 Back row (l-r) Dougie Manson, Billy Johnstone, Kenny Byers, Angus Harcus, Stewart Shearer, David Yat...