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Kirkwall Burgh School Bell
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Kirkwall Burgh School Bell

...from the wreck of the 'Emmanuel'.

A Tom Kent picture.

I assume this is the bell that is on display in the dark box outside the former main entrance to the Grammar School?
Picture added on 02 May 2005
This picture is in the following groups
KGS 1973 - 2013
The bell is fairly un-noticeable in its present location, due to the tinted perspex. It should be brought indoors and made a feature within the school, perhaps in the foyer.
Added by Harold Esson on 25 March 2006
We removed this bell from behind the perspex last year and at the moment it resides in the headmasters office! The jannies, KGS.
Added by Kgs Jannies on 28 January 2010
Must have been a big bell to require all the jannies
Added by Pool Lifeguards Kgs on 29 January 2010
Aye aye how many jannies to shift a bell/ change a lightbulb ! Don't give up your day job boys !!
Added by Kgs Jannies on 01 February 2010
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