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This photo was taken sometime in the 1980s, does anyone know the exact year and who the young musicians are?
Picture added on 03 December 2003
This picture is in the following groups
KGS 1973 - 2013
KGS 1973 - 2013
Before 1986. I can recognise Ruth Johnstone, Alice Kelsall, Dina Burgess, a Jolly and a Thompson (daughter of Willie)
Added by AB on 02 February 2004
Both Catherine and Margaret Thomson are in the photo; also Michelle Donaldson's sister (is it Fiona? - sorry I've forgotten); Mark and David Rendall are on the right.
Added by Moira Cross (nee Linklater) on 03 February 2004
The Donaldson lass in question is HILARY RENDALL nee Donaldson of Just About Anything. Michelle has no brothers or sisters.
Added by AM on 24 February 2004
My dad reasearched this very photo as part of a book a couple of years ago. The youngsters are:
Back row: Aimee Robertson, ?, Ingrid Donaldson, Margaret Thomson
second row: Alice Kelsall, Morraine Sinclair, Erika Jolly, Dinah Burgess, Alison Leonard, Ruth Johnston, Monica Bremner, Tracy Muir, Lyndsey Irvine, Arlene Peace
Front row: Catherine Thomson, Lynette Harcus, Yvonne Harcus, Fiona Cromarty, Rob Walker, Richard Flett, David Rendall
Hope this helps!
Back row: Aimee Robertson, ?, Ingrid Donaldson, Margaret Thomson
second row: Alice Kelsall, Morraine Sinclair, Erika Jolly, Dinah Burgess, Alison Leonard, Ruth Johnston, Monica Bremner, Tracy Muir, Lyndsey Irvine, Arlene Peace
Front row: Catherine Thomson, Lynette Harcus, Yvonne Harcus, Fiona Cromarty, Rob Walker, Richard Flett, David Rendall
Hope this helps!
Added by Erika Copland on 17 March 2004
Presumably Dougie shearer took the photo. Judging by the piano it is in room 103 & the conductor is the one & only the late Dick Hughes. shame we can't see his "Manuel" moustache.
Added by Jo Jones (nee Richards) on 27 July 2009
There must be a picture of Dick Hughes somewhere where we CAN see the 'tache?
Added by Richard Gregory on 28 September 2009
Have a look in the 25th Anniversary book of the St Magnus Festival for Dick's tache...
Added by Jo Jones on 03 October 2009
Thanks Jo. Pass on my regards to John please. I was 1 of his brass pupils, (OK but not outstanding) trumpet player, went to Aberdeenshire with him.
Added by Richard Gregory on 06 October 2009
We remember you well Richard - not least sorting out your timetable! Are there any photos of Brass anywhere I wonder?
Added by Jo Jones on 20 October 2009
Well if there are, surely you & John would have them!
Added by Richard Gregory on 25 October 2009
I guess 1983 as Rob Walker arrived in Aug 82 just after I had left (I didn't recognise him in the photo!).
Added by Andy Walker on 13 January 2010
Can't have been as early as 1980, Alice Kelsall didn't go to the Grammar until 1981
Added by Susan Sinclair on 22 April 2011
Looks like about 1983 to me
Added by Karen Davies on 28 May 2013
Not forgetting the manic & energising figure of Dick Hughes at the front.
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Added by Iain Dunkley on 14 September 2014