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KGS 6th Year Charity Expedition
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KGS 6th Year Charity Expedition

On 8th April 1983 Kirkwall the above charity collectors took Kirkwall by storm. Unfortunately the hospital bed that Gary is leaning on only made it about 10 yards from this point before breaking. I can name everybody here, but will let others have a go first.

A clue- John Wallace is the bear, and Keith Moar is the duck. Only 7 out of the 16 are still in Orkney.
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Picture added on 23 September 2007
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KGS 1973 - 2013
The girl on the left standing up wearing a blue top and tartin skirt is lorraine, i think? miby no?
Added by Kerri Thomson on 09 November 2007
Nope - It's Susan Lochead
Anonymous comment added on 07 December 2007
At the back: Susan Lochhead, Graham Rendall, Rupert Spence (face hidden), John Wallace, Keith Moar, Mark Rendall, Kim Milligan.

In front of them: Lizzie Matches, Karl Stephen, Hilary Donaldson, Carol Linklater, Debbie Chase.

At the front: Susan Guthrie, Mandy Johnstone, Shaun Littlejohn.
Added by Steven Heddle on 07 December 2007
I thought the bear might looked like John Swanney
Added by B.Moar on 07 December 2007

Added by SUSAN O'BRIEN on 02 November 2010
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