Steven Heddle
Steven Heddle has a particular fondness for having drawn up its specification for Orkney Enterprise, and now is the portal administrator on behalf of Voluntary Action Orkney. No wonder so many of his pictures get on the site...
View from a Windmill This picture was taken from the top of the windmill that has since been dismantled and now lies at t...
P2S of Kirkwall Primary L-R Leona Mowat, Robert Sutherland, Erik Bullen, Jackie Mears, Steven Heddle, Shona or Karen Norqua...
Merry Dancers This picture was taken at Scapa, at about 9pm on 20/11/03 and is looking just north of east, past th...
Orcadia at Leith This was taken at the same time as my earlier Orcadia picture, and the boat is helpfully pointed out...
Square at Spence's today This picture was taken on the 20th May 2004, to complement the picture of the bus station in the thi...