The Orkney Image Library
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Back- Mrs Vesco, Ian Kirkness, Steven Heddle, Thorfinn Rendall, Clive
Gilbert, Andrew Monkman, Robert Sutherland, Graham Scott, Andy Cole, Tam Sinclair, Bruce Nicolson
Middle- Jim Stout, Erik Bullen, Alan Eunson, Leona Mowat, Jacqueline
Mears, Karen Logie, Laura Scollie, Linda Ross, Kevin Peddie, Lindsay
Reid, David Leask
Front- Valerie MacDonald, Lorraine Skinner, Karen or Shona Norquay,
Christine Groundwater, Inga Winn, Leona Scollay, Susan Lochhead, Shona or Karen Norquay
Picture added on 05 November 2003
What a lovely class that was !
Added by Barbara Vesco on 14 March 2004
Karen Norquay is third from left. Shona is on extreme right.
Added by Susan O'Brien (Lochhead) on 08 April 2004
Looking at the picture I notice that Lyndon (Sinclair) isn't in it, so must have been off that day.
Added by Steven Heddle on 05 May 2004
i notice that in this picture (middle 5 from the left) that there is a girl called Karen Logie and i too have this name i find it extremely interesting to know that somebody else shares this name as logie is an unusual surname.
Added by Karen Logie on 21 January 2006
kevin peddie, please get in touch on [email protected].
Added by sam oluoch on 18 July 2006
I'd really like to contact Inga Winn - we knew each other when I was at University.
Does anybody have contact details?
Does anybody have contact details?
Added by Alyson Wilson (Smyth) on 23 December 2006
Does anybody know where Andy Cole is ?
Added by Sandra Flaws (nee Brown ) on 11 September 2009
Hello, I'm Andy Cole's niece (daughter of Christina Cole) we haven't heard from and been looking for Andy for quite some time now. If anybody has any idea of his whereabouts please please could you get in touch xx
Added by Stephanie on 14 August 2014
Alyson Wilson (Smyth): Inga Winn is now Inga Masterson and she is my mother.
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Added by Eilidh Masterson on 03 September 2014