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Class 5b Kirkwall Grammar 1976/77
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Class 5b Kirkwall Grammar 1976/77

Back row
Ernie Donaldson, Greig Tulloch, Marc Headley, Clive Miller,Michael Cross
Middle row
George Flaws, Chris Nicholson, Stewart Fotherginham, Angus Konstam, Alastair White,
Front row
Brian Thompson, Sylvia Miller, Kay Vescoe, Fiona Macnair, Eileen Sclater
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Picture added on 04 July 2008
This picture is in the following groups
KGS 1973 - 2013
I think back row, first left is Eric Donaldson.
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 05 July 2008
the really scary thing is I can remember all the clothes as well as the faces! we must have worn the same rags each day!
Added by Chris on 13 October 2008
Where is Clive Miller now?
Added by Charles Spence on 21 March 2021
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