Orkney Image Library

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Steven Heddle

Steven Heddle has a particular fondness for Orkneycommunities.co.uk having drawn up its specification for Orkney Enterprise, and now is the portal administrator on behalf of Voluntary Action Orkney. No wonder so many of his pictures get on the site...
KGS site by night KGS 15/11/11 from the west. North of Papdale East.
Peedie Sea in the balmy days of November After the howling galeness of the last fortnight it's easy to forget the better weather we had early...
Kirkwall from Wideford Hill Dusk on 14/1/12, about 4pm. Taken from the Cairn Car park, you can just make out the microwave tower...
Scotland, from Wideford At dusk, taken just before picture #26051. Not sure what the hills/mountains of Scotland are, but I'...
Coats of Arms of Orkney Posted as followup to picture #26079 and picture #26091. This is fixed to the wall in the foyer lead...
Kirkwall Arms As used in the Riding of the Marches every year.
Kirkwall stonework 1/3 I felt more whimsical than usual so went for a walk around yesterday taking pictures things that are...
Billboards In days of yore public notices used to be just that, Here are three of Kirkwall's forgotten billboar...
Billiards... no more Nice bit of stained glass in Costie's Pavilion, taken yesterday so it is still there. Not so the sta...
Kirkwall stonework, 2/3 So where are these then? The sequel to picture #26202. Have a look there for a link to Google Str...
Hatston Pier a lively place Went down the pier on my bike today and saw the start of the work on the extension. This obviously e...

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Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims