Orkney Image Library

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Peedie Sea in the balmy days of November
The Orkney Image Library

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Peedie Sea in the balmy days of November

After the howling galeness of the last fortnight it's easy to forget the better weather we had early in November. This panorama was taken then from just above where the Willow Burn flows into the Peedie Sea. Looks better in the big version!
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Picture added on 05 December 2011 at 16:15
Note that this is the 9,999 picture in the image library*, and the clock will roll over tomorrow.

What will be the historic picture?

Will the site webmaster abuse his power and post one of his own?

Come back tomorrow and find out.

*The numbers attached to each picture are much higher because of an uploading bug in the early days that meant pictures were retried a few times before being added.
Added by Steven Heddle on 05 December 2011
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