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Kirkwall stonework 1/3
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Kirkwall stonework 1/3

I felt more whimsical than usual so went for a walk around yesterday taking pictures things that are easily passed by, but Quite Interesting.

This is the first of three pictures showing nice bits of stonework in our lovely islands' noble capital. Have a go at telling me where, and what and why if you can manage.
Picture added on 23 February 2012 at 15:59
This is the game anyone can play- just go to the following link and start walking: http://tinyurl.com/8ypv95d
Added by Steven Heddle on 23 February 2012
I took 48 slides of signs like this some years ago and they were used as competitions at meetings, great fun, and surprisingly it was often "ferryloupers" that got most of them!
Anonymous comment added on 23 February 2012
Masonic Lodge

[That's number 3 indeed - Steven]
Added by Fred Johnston on 23 February 2012
Cor blimey, you've got to get up early in the morning to Google map the streets of the metropolis. A "stroll" to Broad St. and a look at the clock on the cathedral says 7am. From the shadows I thought earlier.
Added by Karl Stephen on 24 February 2012
Pic #4 - Victoria Street, beside Scott's shoe shop?
Added by Dave Dawswon on 24 February 2012
4 and 5 in Victoria Street ?

[Yes - Steven]
Added by Craig Taylor on 24 February 2012
1. Royal Hotel Victoria Street
2. Former George Rendall's Shop at the Brig

[2 is correct, but not 1 - Steven]
Added by T Tullock on 24 February 2012
I know number 4 very well it is where my granny lived (although it had a different number then), what I had forgotten until recently is that the stone in the picture is a replacement for the original which was broken when the house was converted in the mid-1970s by the Council.
Added by Jim Eunson on 24 February 2012
1 is above Sinclair Office Supplies in Bridge St.

Added by Cathleen Spence on 24 February 2012
1. Old Library in Laing Street [Nope, see above]

5. What is now the Pet Shop in Victoria Street [Correct - the shop between Bruces Stores and Sutherland's Pharmacy, the former Croys the Drapers]
Added by Alastair on 25 February 2012
So summarising:
1) On Sinclair Office Supplies on Bridge Street
2) The former George Rendall's, now Grooves, at the Brig
3) The Masonic Hall on Castle Street
4) 19 Victoria Street
5) What is now the Pet Shop in Victoria Street, the shop between Bruces Stores and Sutherland's Pharmacy (the former Croy's the Drapers).
Added by Steven Heddle on 25 February 2012
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