Orkney Image Library

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Stuart Flett

Flotta Chapel This is Rodney and Joan Flett on Flotta, in front of the old Chapel.
4 generations of Flett This is a picture of 4 generations of Flett. All called Malcolm Flett. (Maintaining the tradition ...
Garson (croft on Flotta) This is our family croft on Flotta (demolished in 1976 to make way for the oil terminal) If anyone ...
Pitching the roof, Garson Flotta This is a picture of my Great Grandad, Malcolm Flett, and my uncle (Malcolm, "Tommy" Flett) as they ...
Kirkwall Grammar School This was taken in about 1950. Names of people would be appreciated.
Kirkwall Grammar School This was taken in about 1952. My Dad, Rodney Flett is front row, second from the left. Does anyone...
Flett family This is a family gathering when William Flett (Flett from Flotta) came home from Australia with his ...
Sunrise over Flotta Sunrise looking across Scapa Flow towards Flotta. 1 Tanker berthed at the terminal with 2 others ju...
Buchanan Battery Flotta Buchanan Battery on Flotta. Quite an imposing structure.
Gospel Hall, Pan Bay Flotta I took this picture for my Dad. His Grandfather was the preacher at the Gospel Hall. He stayed at ...
Old Boat Pan Bay Flotta Old boat at Pan Bay Flotta looking across the bay to the Oil Terminal in the background
Flett from Flotta This is the band of the Seaforth Highlanders, taken in 1942. William Arnot Flett (The subject of th...

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