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This is our family croft on Flotta (demolished in 1976 to make way for the oil terminal) If anyone is famliar with the pipe tune "Flett from Flotta", this is the croft where William Arnot Flett (from Flotta) lived.
Picture added on 06 October 2007
Wonderful to find this photo. My grandfather grew up in this house also. His name was James Isbister ROSIE. I went to Orkney in 2000 but was unable to get to Flotta and it is just wonderful to be able to see the full house as I have photo's of part of this house.Thanks for putting it online.
Added by Judith Schumer on 10 June 2011
Thanks for the message Judith. Would love to see the photos you have. I have faint memories of visiting Garson as a young boy. Me and my Dad went back to Flotta last week and had a rummage throught the info in the museum at the post office. They have a list of occupants going back to 1711. First Rosie is mentioned in 1838, then in 1871 the first Flett (Malcolm) is mentioned, alongside "A Rosie". The Rosie family name changed to Flett by marriage so I guess we will both feature on the same family tree. Small world. If you ever get back to Orkney it would be worth a visit to the post office. Marina and her daughter Phylis are a real authority on the history of Flotta and the crofters. Have a scout around my pictures as I have posted many photos of relatives who have at some time lived at Garson.
Added by Stuart Flett on 13 June 2011
Stuart I mind our Grannie (nee Sabiston) who came fae "Everhow" (Overhow) speaking about a Kittie o Garson - would that be your Gt Grannie?.
I think she was a great ane for making fun. I can mind one or two o Whur GaGa's stories relating tae her but "GaGa" died in 1969 so even thats half a lifetime ago.
I think she was a great ane for making fun. I can mind one or two o Whur GaGa's stories relating tae her but "GaGa" died in 1969 so even thats half a lifetime ago.
Added by John Budge on 14 June 2011
Nearly right John. Kitty o Garson was the last person to "live" at Garson. She was my Grand Aunty (My Grandad, Malcolm Flett's sister) She stayed with us in Cumbria for a while before moving to Edinburgh. Garson from that point was the family holiday home. Somewhere to stay when we came home. Kitty was a lovely lady, always smiling. I have posted a couple of pictures of her taken when visiting Aunty Annie at the Slap. Pictures #6542 and #6543. There were 3 sisters, Kitty, Dolly and Annie. I have a photo of all 3 of them. I'll get it posted too.
Added by Stuart Flett on 15 June 2011
Ah Stuart wid there no been a "Kitty o Garson" further back than the lady you refer tae, yae see the wife GaGa wid spoken aboot wid be as owld as herself so must hiv been a generation earlier than this lady.
O I wish hidna started on this revel o dirt!!hids a blinkan mine field, and no ane tae ask anymore.
O I wish hidna started on this revel o dirt!!hids a blinkan mine field, and no ane tae ask anymore.
Added by John Budge on 19 June 2011
Aunty Dolly stayed on in Garson after Grandad died.Then when at fifty seven she moved down to Kent to marry her old sweetheart.they had kent each other since pre- war days. Dolly would be the last permeant Flett to live in Garson!
Added by Stuarts Dad. Rodney Flett on 23 August 2011
I had Smith,Thomson,Sutherland, relatives who stayed at Overhow around 1900.A sister of my 2xGt Grandfather Nicol Smith,Isabella Thomson m.s.Smith, from Stroma died there in 1900.
Added by Nicol Manson on 28 August 2011
What a beautiful home!
Added by Bruce Flett on 15 May 2019
Quite a thrill to see my family name show up here and to find such wonderful photo(s). John Budge, our 2nd GGF was John Sabiston B:14 Jun 1808 Walls and Flotta D:18 Dec 1866 Crichtons Court, Murraygate, Dundee. From Dundee they made their way to Upstate NY. The earliest Sabiston I have a record for is John Sabiston BIRTH 1712 • Orkney. His son, our 4thGGF was Benjamin, and his son, a fisherman/farmer was James Sabiston B:23 Jun 1777 Flotta. D:8 Nov 1862 Walls and Flotta. Benjamin married Barbara Haruld B:30 Aug 1730 Kirkwall and St Ola and James married Christian Flaws B:abt 1770 Orkney. I am imagining James and his family lived in a croft much like the Garson one pictured. Hope to visit sometime in 2024 to learn more about this branch of our family.
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Added by Mark Hannan on 04 August 2023