Orkney Image Library

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JDRF Sponsored Walk/Run in Flotta The picture shows the throng gathering for the 10K Sponsored Walk or Run, and 5K Sponsored walk in a...
JDRF Sponsored 10K Run in Flotta This picture is from last Sunday's event in Flotta, with the oil terminal in the background. The run...
JDRF Sponsored 10K Walk in Flotta ... and a little further back but to the forefront of the walkers we find Ronnie Johnson and Billy S...
Kirkwall City Pipe Band in Flotta Again this is at the school, as part of the festivities for the JDRF sponsored walk and run on Sunda...
Old boat on Flotta Craig writes: 'These two pictures were taken on Flotta in July 2001 with a very basic (and not very...
1981 Milne Cup winners reunion Rae writes: '[This picture shows] a small reunion the 1981 Milne Cup winners had last week. They ...
YM on Golta peninsula, Flotta More remains of the YM. The butresses and dressed stones suggest that this was building that was bui...
Flotta Primary School Back row from left: Kathy Cooper, Susan Roberston, Jean Swanney. 3rd row from left: David Hamilto...
Scapa Flow during NATO exercise Willie writes: "The marines go back to HMS Fearless in their RIBs."
Mystery place no. 10 "Climate change?" asks Robert. "Where is this?" I ask, for I have no idea. See if you can tell, b...
Kirkyard on Stroma And a lot of deserted houses.

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Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims