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A&J Taylor's shop, Junction Road
Craig writes: 'This is a picture of when my Grandparents Allan and Jean Taylor had their shop in Ju...
Flett and Sons, Bridge Street
A Tom Kent picture from 1904 showing the view from upstairs in Flett and Sons. These premises are no...
Westray after January's storm
This picture shows Hume Sweet Hume in the foreground (blue porch). The 2 two storey houses were floo...
St Catherine's Place
A picture showing how narrow the junction of St Catherine's Place and Shore Street was before the ro...
New petrol pumps at Finstown PO (Wood's shop)
Date estimated. As well as being the Finstown Telegraph Office, Wood's shop also seesm to have so...
Fish and Chip Restaurant, Stronsay
Date estimated. This is in Whitehall Village, and reminds me of an article I read in the Orcadian...
Bain's painters, across the road from the shop
Date estimated. The shop was where the Liberal's constituency office is on Broad Street now. The ...
Gibson's shop, Rousay
A Tom Kent picture, date unknown. Are these buildings still there?
Detail from Gibson's Shop picture
Detail from the earlier Tom Knet picture showing what appears to be Gibson's mobile shop amidst the ...
The shop at Hullion, Rousay
Max writes: 'This is a picture I took in 1975 of Edith Gibson behind the counter of the shop at H...
The Beach Bungalow Tearooms, Skaill
A Tom Kent picture, date unknown. The sign says 'Beach Bungalow Tearooms', 'Licensed to sell toba...
Removal of guns from Broad Street
A Tom Kent picture. Orkney Archives writes: '64 pounder Muzzle loading guns that belonged to No....
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