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St Catherine's Place
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St Catherine's Place

A picture showing how narrow the junction of St Catherine's Place and Shore Street was before the road was widened. A far cry from the wide open spaces at the roundabout these days.

Craig writes:
"The sign above the shop on one picture says Duncan Reid,a nyone know what was sold here? No idea of dates sorry. Prints taken from Dougie Shearers collection."
Picture added on 22 February 2005
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As I remember D. Reid was a wholesale merchant dealing in drinks, both soft and alcoholic.
Prior to being at Shore Street his premises were in West Castle Street on the north side at it's corner with Great Western Road. It was at this store I can remember seeing a species of monkey eating peanuts in the window.(How's that for a piece of useless information?)
P. Burges.
Added by Peter Burges. on 23 February 2005
Can anybody tell me, What year was the building on the right of the photo demolished to widen the bottem end of St.Cathrines Place??
Added by L.Miller on 17 July 2008
I think it was around 62 or 63 new cattle sheds were built on the Pier to replace it.
Added by Willie Mackay on 29 August 2008
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