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This is in Whitehall Village, and reminds me of an article I read in the Orcadian about how the Village boomed in the days of the herring fishing, and even had two ice cream parlours.
Picture added on 22 April 2005
My house is directly opposite this (Cardinham, once used by the RNLI)). The building behind the fish and chip shed was the customs house and for many years now it is the Royal Bank of Scotland branch - the only bank on Stronsay - opening on Thursdays
Added by Leo Martini-Brown - community councillor on 18 September 2007
One of the ice cream parlours was at Minerva, just round the corner. It belonged to my Great Grandad, James Sinclair Chalmers and his wife, Bella.
Added by Carolyn on 11 February 2009
Carolyn, Minerva,James Sinclair Chalmers and Bella were my great grand parents, and we have never met. Jennifer
Added by Jennifer Rowley on 13 March 2010
Carolyn, James Sinclair Chalmers and Agnes Fotheringhame were my G G Grandparents,not Bella.
Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 23 June 2010
Jennifer - I just read your entry about James Sinclair Chalmers/Agnes Paterson Fotheringhame. James and Agnes were my Great Grandparents. Their daughter, Barbara Goar Chalmers was my Grandmother. Sadly she died very young in 1927 so I never knew her. She was married to James Reid Burghes, my Grandfather. My Mom, Barbara, was also born in Stronsay. I guess we are related!
Added by Freda Jackson on 28 June 2010
Hi Freda, yes we are, by what you say, the name Barbara Goar, was my GG Grandmother Agnes's, mother's, name before she married Peter Fotheringhame in 18??, as I have been told.
Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 05 July 2010
Freda, I'm unable to reach you by email. Do contact me (another relative!).
Added by Carolyn Watson-Crisp on 05 July 2010
Barbara Goar and Peter Fotheringhame were my gggrandparents too, through their daughter Peterina who married John Williamson'
Added by Sheila Dean (nee Mckenzie) on 12 July 2010
Hi, I dont know if anyone can help but i am looking for photos of a house in stronsay called Feaston, also photos of Shearer family that lived in it, thank you.
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Added by Irene Cameron on 19 October 2013