Orkney Image Library

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Birsay School Class Picture This picture was taken about 1925. I found it in my dad's things. He (James Ronald Spence) is the li...
Albert Maxwell Bridge street Date just a guess. Been looking through the old family album. picture shows a young looking Albert
Alice and Edith Alberts' sisters Alice and Edith who stayed with him at the shop. Again the date is just a guess
Clara Maxwell Date just a guess. Clare, is this your grandmother?
John Johnston and Vintage Van This is my great grandfather, John Johnston, and one of J & W Tait's vans, which he drove.
Tom & Sinkie Drever with pony and gig The year is only a guess. Tom was better at driving a bus than a pony
Inside J & W Tait's Van Well you can nearly see inside it, pity couldn't see more, and the date is a guess. I have no idea w...
Pict's house on a farm in Shapinsay Date is a guess, mid 1920-30's. Picts house on a farm in Shapinsay.when unearthed they were usually ...
Pict's house on a farm in Shapinsay Date is a guess 1920-30's. second photo of the same site. Pict House on a farm in Shapinsay taken fr...
Lower Station Stronsay in 1920s Lower Station Stronsay in 1920s.
Peace's Almanack I found an old Peace's Almanack of 1925 and these seem to be the only recogniseable firms still trad...
The Stoop, Longhope, South Walls 1925 The Stoop, Longhope, South Walls 1925 This is a photograph of my family. Gt Uncle - Sinclair Man...

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