The Orkney Image Library
No: 2645 Contributor: andrew monkman Year: 2003
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orkney heritage
Picture added on 24 March 2007
Orkney Image?????
Added by Andrew on 24 March 2007
Added by Tom Scott on 24 March 2007
Maybe it's the view up through the middle of the mast at Keelylang after a few too many beers :o)
Added by Paul on 25 March 2007
That reminds me - whatever happened to the kids game "Spirograph". That was real entertainment.
Added by Whassigo on 25 March 2007
I'm not sure what you're asking for but the flower of life represents the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe. The mathematical proportions represent the proportions found in all of nature. What kind of a project is this?
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Added by Laura on 01 May 2007