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No sure what the occation was it was in the Wyre hall 1965 mabey to be corrected lot oh well kent faces, left going clockwise Neil Flaws Jock Johnston, Alice?,Molly Flaws silver hair,Mansie Flaws isobel?,Mary cragie,small table emmo cragie fe the Bu Hamish Delday Anna Delday.

Picture added on 16 June 2011 at 23:10
Next tae Mary Ann Craige is Lilla Johnston, Testaquoy, me mither.
Added by Isobel Irvine on 17 June 2011
Thanks Isobel i thought it was your mither. I remember gan in tae Testaquoy when I wis a peedie boy wae cowld feet and warman them up infront oh the fire while eatan a biscuit and a cup oh tea fe yer mither. The pain in the toes wis gye sore mind the fish dryan above the fire too. Mind gettan pigs trotters fe yer dad wance wrapped in orcadian news paper te tak home must been for soup or jist a laugh.
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Added by Rodney Delday on 22 June 2011
[All the pictures that show up on pages like this are stretched or shrunk to 735 pixels wide. I generally always publish a bigger version for groups of people, and have done this habitually for this one, but the original has been less than 735 pixels wide. It makes sense if your read 'View Large Version' as 'View As Submitted'. - Steven]