Orkney Image Library

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St Ola II This will be the first Pentland Firth ferry that many of us will remember, and boy does she look sma...
Arch at Yesnaby, still intact Here is another picture from Ian Heddle's collection, showing an intact arch at Yesnaby. Will it sti...
The Cosmo Craig sends in this Dougie Shearer (I think) picture from the legendary Cosmo, which for our younger...
Miss Orkney competition, 1965? Picture taken by Andy Wylie at The Cosmo. Date is an estimate. Names?
Dept of Employment staff and partners 1965 Marion writes: 'Dept of employment staff & partners circa 1965 - names - [back] Moira Craigie [n...
Phoenix staff in the 60s Kenny writes: 'The Phoenix 'front of house' staff in the early 1960's - Left to right, Vina Macgill...
Stormy on Ayre Road in the 60s An Andy Wylie picture showing a stormy day back in the 60s, to compare and contrast with the earlier...
Stormy on Ayre Road in the 60s A wider view of the previous picture, with the leading light tower clearly visible over at the Ayre ...
Corner of Junction Road and Burnmouth Road, 3/7 An Andy Wylie picture, date estimated, sent on by Alan Hale. These pictures show the changes at t...
Corner of Junction Road and Burnmouth Road, 4/7 An Andy Wylie picture, date estimated, sent in by Alan Hale. These pictures show the changes at t...
Band in full swing Picture from Karl's uncle's collection. His uncle is the late Dougie Cooper, pictured here on bass. ...
Egg Packing Station, 3/4 A Dougie Cooper picture, date estimated. Rae was right about the lorry in his comment on picture ...

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