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Bu farm, Wyre
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Bu farm, Wyre

Bu farm, Wyre. Sep 2009.
Birthplace of Edwin Muir, poet, author, Warden of Newbattle Abbey, etc
Picture added on 27 April 2014 at 22:43
I think Edwin Muir was actually born at the Foley in Deerness. His family moved to Wyre not long after that and they are found in the 1891 census at the Bu. His father was born in Sanday but his mother and all his brothers and sisters were born in Deerness.
Added by Cathleen Spence on 29 April 2014
Thanks for the correction Cathleen. A really stupid mistake on my part. As I typed the caption, 'An Autobiography' by Muir was practically at my elbow. Its first sentence reads: I was born on the 15th of May, 1887, in a farm called the Folly [sic], in the parish of Deerness in Orkney.
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 May 2014
Dear Ian - would you have any objection to me putting this gorgeous photo in my family Tree? I would of course acknowledge the source. I am in Australia so cannot take Orkney photos myself. My father was an Orcadian Muir.
Added by Beverley Nelson on 13 October 2014
No objection whatsoever Beverley! Go right ahead, and in a case like this you needn't bother with an acknowledgement. (But thanks for asking.)
Added by Ian Hourston on 21 October 2014
Thank you, all filed away for future use.
Added by Beverley Nelson on 22 October 2014
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