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Papdale woods and the new school hostel 3/3
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Papdale woods and the new school hostel 3/3

The visual impact of the planned access road can be assessed by the above visualisation generated from picture #24766 by project architects Keppie, (courtesy OIC).

With the road following the route shown on the plan it is apparent that the main impact is the loss of the tree behind the Papdale Loan sign, although it looks like even that could perhaps be saved if the road was built on the route of the existing path. Otherwise the impact seems minimal, even with removal of the maximum 22 trees.

Well worth going and having a look to formulate your own opinions. Alan Moar at the OIC has also indicated that he is happy to discuss the plans with anyone expressing concerns, and to take them through the proposals.

The online petition can be viewed at http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-papdale-woods/ and a dicussion on this topic can be found in the comments to the article here: http://www.allaboutorkney.com/news/324-lets-look-at-the-papdale-woods
Picture added on 08 February 2011 at 16:55
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Interesting coincidence in two pictures posted on the same day. In picture #24762 Tom Kent appears to have shrunk a picture of two men to fit them into the ingleneuk. Here the architects have employed the same technique on several people and a car to reduce the apparent visual impact of their development (or do I just have a suspicious mind?).
Added by Paul Sutherland on 08 February 2011
I forgot to add that there will be tree-planting at Picky on the 12th March, so I hope to see my fellow tree fans down there doing their bit for thousands of peedie birds.
Added by Steven Heddle on 08 February 2011
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