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The only two people I know, from around here, who attended this school are Margaret Dearness and Kenny Pirie.
Picture added on 27 March 2009
I think i am correct in saying that Fraser Byers who lives just down the road from here went there too.
Added by Colin on 31 March 2009
I understand that Joyce Moore was a teacher there Brian.
Added by Fred Johnston on 01 April 2009
I remember our teacher Mrs Hall (Bobby Halls mother) arriving with a new car a blue Triumph 1300 which of course was out of bounds!
Added by Davie Campbell on 04 April 2009
Also see picture #19424 and picture #19419. You'll maybe see some familiar faces
Added by Chris Rosie on 11 April 2009
The building was used as a Sunday school when we were little
Added by Irene on 05 April 2010
sad day. why are they demolishing my favourite school?
Added by Alison Hynes (morrison) on 26 February 2011
I started school there. Mrs Hall was my first teacher and I will always have good memories of her.
Added by Sandra Newlands on 12 March 2012
My mother Dorothy Bews and her 8 siblings went to Scapa school.Their parents were Peter and Christina Bews. Scapa school got knocked in 2012,a new modern house built there then too.
Added by Valerie Linklater. on 20 January 2019
This was my first school, but my family moved to Wick not long after I settled in. I remember getting picked up at the end of a road and taken there in a car.
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Added by Jake Sutherland on 09 September 2019