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It's not immediately clear to everyone that the mural inside the Mess Hall at the Ness Battery goes around two and a half walls (lots of 'ooh, I didn't know it went right round' comments were heard during the visit today!). I really liked the play on perspective here, as the picture goes around a right angle.

Picture added on 28 March 2009
Wonder who was the Philistine sparky running the conduit.
Added by Willie Watters on 31 March 2009
The Mural would have gone all the way round when a concerte was taking place, the stage screen / curtain (?) had the rest of the mural painted on it if my memory serves me correctly. My father was a seargent in the T.A. after the war and went to Ness Battery for weekend camps. I believe the screen / curtain was stored in the attic above the stage area when not in use?
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Added by Lewis Munro on 06 April 2009