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Date is a guess. I think the original photograph is Valerie's (first left) so I won't lay claim. I can name everybody, can everybody else there?. A great memory of times before big changes came to Flotta.

Picture added on 01 October 2008
This photo appeared in the 'Scots Magazine' in February 1976, in an article entitled 'Flotta to the Fore Again', by Maurice Fleming.
Added by Phyllis Gee on 02 October 2008
What is the teachers name? he looks like someone in a D H Lawrence storybook. I know some of the inmates, some are still on Flotta or at least in Orkney.
Added by John Budge on 03 October 2008
Are you far right Adrian?
Added by Robert on 03 October 2008
You're a mine of information Phyllis! Do you remember that Halloween party the Hutchinsons gave at your house when it was the Manse?. What a great evening. Back then it didn't seem strange at all that the local Vicar would throw a Halloween party.I was also thinking of the times at low tide when the whole island went digging for spoots when the whole Pan Hope bay was uncovered. Now THAT would be a great photo to have.
Added by Adrian Smith on 03 October 2008
Answer to Robert: No I'm a labour man myself, but yes that's me trying to hide on the right (as usual).
Answer about teacher's name: Roy Russell, who was a great teacher, together with his wife, Sue. An inspiration for some of us... well me anyway. He had us read 'Wierdstone of Brisingamen' in class and that got me hooked on dodgy Sci-Fi/Fantasy potboilers for life, but then nobody's perfect. They had three beautiful black Labrador dogs - Corrie, Cael and Caul who used to sneak into the canteen and hoover up scraps when the Russells weren't watching. We all used to pass them the sago pudding (frogs eyes) - bleeech! The only thing that Tishie Gaudie cooked that nobody liked.
Unfortunately a good few of Flotta's sons and daughters in the photo have gone far afield, me included.
Answer about teacher's name: Roy Russell, who was a great teacher, together with his wife, Sue. An inspiration for some of us... well me anyway. He had us read 'Wierdstone of Brisingamen' in class and that got me hooked on dodgy Sci-Fi/Fantasy potboilers for life, but then nobody's perfect. They had three beautiful black Labrador dogs - Corrie, Cael and Caul who used to sneak into the canteen and hoover up scraps when the Russells weren't watching. We all used to pass them the sago pudding (frogs eyes) - bleeech! The only thing that Tishie Gaudie cooked that nobody liked.
Unfortunately a good few of Flotta's sons and daughters in the photo have gone far afield, me included.
Added by Adrian Smith on 03 October 2008
Is your big sister second from the left Adrian?
Added by Steven Heddle on 04 October 2008
Third from left Steven, the blonde basking in the limelight.
Added by Adrian Smith on 05 October 2008
Can anybody put names tae all the faces please
Added by Michael Johnston on 07 October 2008
These are the names (back then - not sure about all married names).
Left to right: Ist Valerie Sutherland.- 2nd(behind) Brenda Robertson.-3rd Helen Smith (Now Killeen) 4th John(?)Sutherland.- 5th (?)Rosie.- 6th Marion Hutchinson.- 7th Roy Russell. - 8th (Front) Susan Robertson.- 9th, (Back) Martin Robertson. - 10th (Front) Lorraine Robertson- 11th (behind Lorraine) Stella Robertson (I think) and 12th, Wee me.
Sorry about number 5. Mental block - can't believe I can't remember. gettin' awld.
Left to right: Ist Valerie Sutherland.- 2nd(behind) Brenda Robertson.-3rd Helen Smith (Now Killeen) 4th John(?)Sutherland.- 5th (?)Rosie.- 6th Marion Hutchinson.- 7th Roy Russell. - 8th (Front) Susan Robertson.- 9th, (Back) Martin Robertson. - 10th (Front) Lorraine Robertson- 11th (behind Lorraine) Stella Robertson (I think) and 12th, Wee me.
Sorry about number 5. Mental block - can't believe I can't remember. gettin' awld.
Added by Adrian Smith on 11 October 2008
The 5th on your list, Adrian, is Alistair Rosie, who's now married to Marion Hutchison.
Added by Phyllis Gee on 11 October 2008
No5 is Alistair Rosie
Added by Ali on 11 October 2008
Course it's Alistair, sorry. Complete blank there for a minute. Kept thinking Alan Rosie, but knew that wasn't it.
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Added by Adrian Smith on 13 October 2008