Orkney Image Library

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Sailing Snoopy Alan sends in this picture taken by his father in law, Andy Wylie. The date is an estimate. The ...
Sailing in front of Hatston Another sailing shot from Alan, taken by Andy Wylie. Date is again an estimate. Note the Hatston ...
Legion prizewinners Alan writes: 'The attached photo... has been taken by a professional photographer. No doubt it is i...
Cosmo car park Craig writes: 'Another pic from Dougie Shearers collection showing the car park next to Tullocks ga...
The shop at Hullion, Rousay Max writes: 'This is a picture I took in 1975 of Edith Gibson behind the counter of the shop at H...
Construction begins on KGS Hostel Date estimated, Berstane Road houses in the background. Date is estimated. This was during the brief...
Woolworths in Kirkwall Date estimated. It used to list attractive features about living in Orkney in the the job applicatio...
Woolies in Kirkwall Date estimated. I'd forgotten about the island cash desks.
Woolies, hardware and lighting Date estimated. I miss the big lighting section, it made the place seem Christmassy all year round.
Hoy Head coming in to Lyness Allan writes: 'The former south isles ferry (Hoy Head) coming along side at Lyness, winter of 1975.'...
Dance classes in the Albert Mr & Mrs Leonard Stiff�s dancing class in the Albert Hotel, Kirkwall. Date estimated. Others may...

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Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims