The Orkney Image Library
No: 28521 Contributor: Ewan Howe Year: 2018 Areas: Dounby, Flotta, Hoy and Walls, Kirkwall, Sanday, Shapinsay
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16th June 2018

Picture added on 19 March 2019 at 11:52
Love these old ruins... they always make me feel homesick... in the best possible taste...
Added by Alfred Hutchison on 06 December 2019
We live in a similar one and and a half storey stone built cottage in north Sutherland, built in the 1860’s, next to the sea. Being an Orkney man I have to be close to the sea. Thankfully the house has been used since ever it was built, has been well maintained, and makes a wonderful home for us in the 21st century fortunate to experience living in a small bit of history. I too love seeing old characterful ruins and personally prefer they stay in the landscape the way they are instead of being bulldozed and replaced with an eyesore. So, yes, Alfred, homesick in the best possible taste is a good place to be. From an Orcadian who was born, grew up, worked and stayed there for nigh on 57 years.
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Added by Michael Reid on 12 July 2020