Orkney Image Library

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Ewan Howe

Former Papdale Halls of Residence Former Papdale Halls of Residence. September 2018
Former KGS Previous Kirkwall Grammar School. Date estimated. 1975
SS Inverlane before disappearing Blockship SS Inverlane in Burra Sound, before she collapsed in 2000. Picture Date: 1999
SS Inverlane before disappearing The Inverlane after the hull collapsed (1998)
St Magnus Cathedral copper spire Back when the cathedral had the old copper cladding on it’s spire, which was replaced in the early...
Kirkwall Arts Theatre Temperance Hall from where Pomona crisps factory once stood. 11th January 2018 to be precise.
Halls of Residence Papdale Primary school, and Halls of Residence, both old and new. 6th October 2018
Maes Howe Maes Howe Neolithic chambered cairn 6th January 2019
Black Building from the air The Black Building on Berstane Loan Date estimated 2011, as Grimsetter Drive area is under construc...
Skeabrae Control Tower demolition Control Tower of RAF Skeabrae under demolition, February 1990.
Neb Battery Director Tower Neb Battery Director Tower at Flotta’s Neb Battery, June 2018
Barrier Block moulds, Burray Barrier Block moulds, Burray. The moulds for the concrete blocks of the Churchill Barriers, later u...

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