Orkney Image Library

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Laying foundation stone of Kirkwall Town Hall Peter writes: 'The event shown on the enclosed picture was in fact the official laying of the found...
Millbank, Eday Peter writes: 'Back to my theme of pictures from Eday....this is the farm of Millbank on the south ...
The Ba That rare thing, a ba photo where you can see the ba... Mark writes 'A shot of the ba from a coup...
Holm Village flooded At the east end of the village the flooding was very bad as well, with the road completely submerged...
Poor choice of parking place Even the Magic Tree could not save this car when its radiator burst... Actually a picture from th...
Mystery object no. 1 Go on. tell me what this is, and where I took the picture, by adding a comment. Who knows, this ...
Hall of Tankerness after 'new' extension A Tom Kent picture. Compare and contrast with picture #765
Inside the Tankerness Mill Before the new owners started doing up the mill, Willie recorded how it was inside. Despite being un...
Inside the Tankerness Mill Before the new owners started doing up the mill, Willie recorded how it was inside. Despite being un...
Stones in Tankerness Mill Everything remarkably intact in the Tankerness Mill, looking like you could start milling again tomo...
Inside the Tankerness Mill Detail of the top of one of the stones with a selection of miller's tools.

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