Orkney Image Library

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Al Hine

Collectable rubbish? It's amazing what people dump up at the Hatston recycling centre in Kirkwall! I wonder if this organ...
The Flotta Jotter Any ex Flotta oil workers remember this free newspaper? I'm uploading it as a tribute to my late fat...
Old fire engine at Bartons Anyone know anything about this old fire engine? it's lying up at Bartons scrap yard at Hatston. Pic...
Flotta memorabilia A piece of Flotta memorabilia, presented to my late father, Jim Hine.
Washed up or dumped? 27 January 2011 - washed up or dumped?
Another Crafty caravan on the way out? 27 January 2011 and it looks like yet another "Crafty" caravan is ready for demolition - this used t...
Pier 29 January 2011. Nice view of the Earl Sigurd & feathered friend in the foreground.
Mystery place Where is this ? ( the make of cars is a massive clue of course)
Pirate Gow Restaurant Scanned 23 February 2011, did you ever eat in there? This was "upstairs" somewhere in Kirkwall, the ...
Orkney record I thought visitors to this site might like to see some Orkney related records, so to kick things off...
Andrew Sinclair Sings Here's the front of the Andrew Sinclair "picture bag" as record companies liked to call them - it's ...
Both sides of Everett Garson (side 2) More Orkney records, this time from the man with two surnames Everett Garson - I have no idea when t...

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