Orkney Image Library

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Edwin Rendall

Spire repairs to the Cathdral This photo of Gordon Edwards was taken by my father Herbert Rendall, employee's of Sutherland the Pl...
Coronation Bunting in Victoria St. The photo of 32 - 34 Victoria Street was taken during the 1937 Coronation celebrations with all the ...
Pipes for the Council Water Scheme Unloading the pipes for the Council Water Scheme, see the 4 wheel drive Bedford QL lorries that were...
Council Priestman Digger One of the diggers used in the Council water scheme, do not know any of the workmen?
Council Trencher Another one of the digging machines used to lay the Council new water scheme pipes.
Break Time A grey painted Council Lorry with John Leonard and another enjoying a sit by the road side. It look...
Council Road Men Photo taken in the 50's with the Mobile Site hut and old Road Rollers. Do not know any of the workme...
Eric Walters and another A photo of two council workers Eric Walters is on the right and the man on the left unknown? Eric wa...
Wellpark Gardens Before the new Garden Centre was constructed.
BEA Office The British Airways Office where Ridgeways are now with Liptons across the Street and the Bank of Sc...
Viscount at Grimsetter In the days of biggar aircraft, this 4 engined British European Airways Viscount's planes flew the ...
Morris Commercial used for collecting Eggs This lorry used to belong to Mr Spence from Holm and had a cattle float on it. Pomona ran this lorry...

Latest Pics

Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims