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Pipes for the Council Water Scheme
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Pipes for the Council Water Scheme

Unloading the pipes for the Council Water Scheme, see the 4 wheel drive Bedford QL lorries that were used for both the scheme and the big high lift snow ploughs. The Morris Commercial lorry in the background would have been one of Walter Scotts lorries.
Picture added on 25 March 2007
not a bedford QL in the picture looks like a TK
Anonymous comment added on 13 July 2007
Their are two Bedford lorries at the shipside, the grey Council lorry was a TK and the brown council lorry was actually a 4 wheel drive RL and not a QL as I stated. The RL replaced the QL's. You can see a QL on Picture 943 belonging to the Seaweed factory loading tangles from the Shapinsay.
Added by Edwin Rendall on 22 July 2007
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