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Marion McLeod

Start of Phoenix demolition On a fine clear day (18th October 2004) the demolition of the Phoenix began by Councillor Keith John...
Demolition of Phoenix Marion's picture from the 23rd October shows the demolition of the Phoenix is becoming more real tha...
Demolition of Phoenix Marion's picture from the side of the Crafty car park shows the demolition progressing on the 23rd O...
Kirkwall Primary, P6, what year? Marion writes: 'Papdale primary school class 6 - no idea of the year or most of the children in it ...
1964-1966, sheep shearing competition at mart Marion writes: '1964 to 66 sheep sheering competition at the mart - think this was a Young Farmers ...
Horse shoeing at Roma, Holm Marion writes: '1966 horse shoeing at roma, holm - this is my late father-in-law, Wilfred Laird, s...
Dept of Employment staff, 1968 Marion writes: 'Dept of employment staff 1968 - names - Rita Work, Moira Craigie [now Kent], Thorfi...
Sittan aboot in Kirkwall 1963/64 Marion writes: 'Kirkwall circa 1963 to 1964 - names - ?, ?, Kathleen Euson [now McGinn], Colin Grou...
Kirkwall Guides 1962/63 Marion writes: 'Kirkwall guides circa 1962 or 1963 - names - some I cannot remember but in the fron...
Dept of Employment staff, 1979 Marion writes: 'Dept of employment staff 1979 - names - [back] Marion [now McLeod], Christine [now ...
1962 Viking mural Marion writes: '1962 viking mural - names - Alan Nixon, Thora Windwick, Linda Chalmers, Marion Wish...
Harray Dance 1963 Marion writes: 'Harray dance circa 1963 - some names - Roy Groundwater, Ingrid Brown, Sydney Bich...

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